Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lightbulb Moment!

It has been a long 5 days, but I am happy to report that we are making progress! I have been tireless in my efforts to devote every ounce of my attention to this potty training task. I am also fortunate to have the help and support of Aaron too! Thursday and Friday, she sat on her small potty in the living room every hour or so. It was fun and exciting for most of the day, but toward the end, not even my bribes would work! She enjoys coloring, working puzzles, watching TV, and eating while sitting there. She peed on the potty mainly because she sat on it so often. Saturday, she only peed on the potty ONCE! It was not a successful day. She did not want to play that game anymore! Keesha watched her during the afternoon, because we had a wedding to sing in (Julie and Alex). Thank you Keesha! ...That is a good friend! Today, I stayed home from church to continue to work with her. I feel like a broken record! "Rachel? Do you need to go potty?" Today, She began telling me "potty!" in the MIDST of saturating her panties! ...I quickly scooped her up and took her to the potty each time. Although frustrating, She did much better than yesterday. Tonight was the biggest breakthrough when she simply looked at me and said, "potty Mommy." I just knew she was peeing at that moment, but to my surprise...she was dry. I said, "ok, Rachel...lets go potty." We calmly walked to the potty, I helped her with her pants, and she sat down and PEED! WOW! What a concept! Aaron and I rejoiced with her, clapped with her, sang potty songs with her, and gave her a well-deserved M&M! I am so proud of her. I called Mom as soon as I could!


Anonymous said...

WOW -- Congrats! That's a HUGE step into BIG GIRL WORLD!!! :) My nephew Jason is going through the potty training adventure as well, and it's taken a lot of wet spots on the floor for him to start understanding the concept!!! I don't know how people potty train their children when they don't stay home with them 24 hours a day...that's gotta be hard to try to squeeze it in on the weekends...

Unknown said...

You know once you get a child out of diapers, it's time for another one!! LOL just kidding. Potty training is such a task, but kudos to you for being so dedicated and staying with it. I hear boys are so much easier than girls, so bet you deserve many more kudos!! WAY TO GO RACHEL!!