Monday, July 14, 2008


RACHEL POOPED ON THE POTTY ALL BY HERSELF! Halleluia! Praise the Lord! She is getting it! ...AND she is peeing on the potty like a pro - all day! Can you believe it?!

I may be blogging a lot about potty training, but it is my life right now...MY LIFE!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Girl, I hear you!!! Coral will poop on the potty but she refuses to pee. She tells me when she needs to poop but when it comes to peeing she would rather do it in her underwear, pull-up. I'm hoping that once we get settled into out new home we can spend some more quality time practicing. It helps that we have more than one bathroom now. I'm really excited about that. I can understand your frustration and excitement in Rachel's success :) Those are really cute pictures of her on the potty.