Monday, July 30, 2007

12-13 months

  • July 2nd- We went to Sea World with Mimi and Papa! She clapped for Shamu! It rained on us and she liked it.
  • July 3rd- Doctors visit- 10% in weight, 25% in height, 90% in head.
  • July 4th- We sing, “Old MacDonald had a farm…” Rachel says, “E-I-E-I-E-I…..”
  • July 6th- Says “Uh-oh”!
  • July 10th- She tries to say Daddy. Most of the time it sounds more like Daggie …or just Da.
  • July 13th- She says “Duck” when she sees her rubber ducky!
  • July 14th- We say “How big is Rachel?” Rachel reaches for the sky and we say, “Sooo big!”

Saturday, June 30, 2007

11-12 months

  • June 2nd- We finally found a sippy cup that she will take (kind of).
  • June 4th- Sara and Brian’s wedding day. Brian called her “Doll-face.” Rachel got sick while they were here (some sort of bug).
  • June 17th- She blows kisses and gives hugs
  • She still does not eat well…but bring on the Gerber squash!
  • June 18th- She cries herself to sleep very well and sleeps through the night. FINALLY!
  • June 20th- She will give you a “five.”
  • June 20th- She pats me when she lays her head on my shoulder…SO CUTE!
  • June 21st- MawMaw (Nan) came to visit!
  • June 22nd- We went to the Botanical Gardens. She loves to be outside.
  • June 25th- We went to the Zoo. She had a good time, but didn’t always see the animals we pointed to.
  • July1st- Rachel’s first birthday party- We played “Stick the Tail on the Donkey” and we blew bubbles outside. Mimi and Papa brought the amazing cake. Rachel stole Olivia’s sippy cup and chewed on it most of the party. She got clothes and toys and a hat that was too small for her head. She didn’t eat her cake at all. She wanted out of the high chair, because she felt like she was missing out! We had a great turn out and it was a blast!
  • Guests: Heather, Zoe, and Zachry Vann, Pat and Marcia Snodgrass, Jennifer Zaccagni, Lee, Rachel, and Sarah Epperson, Mike, Rozlyn, Caleb, and Maggie Wurtz, Suzie and Jesus Rocha, Janea, Caleb, Mason, and Luke Gileo, Lisa Arnold and Steve Crawford, Mimi and Papa, Amber and Jeremy Harper, Keesha, Xander, and Olivia Williamson, Stormy, Julie Breeden, Janice, Max, and Paige Grantz

Friday, June 1, 2007

10-11 months

  • May 2nd- She claps and dances when she hears music.
  • May 15th-23rd- We drove to Abilene.
  • May 16th- Granddaddy taught her how to wink! She would only do it for him.
  • May 17th-Rachel went swimming for the first time and loved it!
  • She watched the toy train with Papa
  • May 22nd- Plays peek-a-boo. She puts her hands on her head when we say “Where’s Rachel?” …then we say, “There she is!”
  • May 23rd- She opens her mouth really wide when she sees someone!
  • May 25th- She holds the phone (among other toys) up to her ear when we say “Hello?”
  • May 26th- She finally figured out how to wave! I worked forever on that one!
  • May 29th- She hums when I sing Blue Skies and Rainbows! … and that song ALWAYS cheers her up!
  • May 29th- June 1st- Slept through the night! YESSSSS!
  • May 31st- She figured out how to unroll the toilet paper.
  • June 1st- First word- “Doggy”
  • June 1st- She like to tease Sebastian with her treat.

Monday, April 30, 2007

9-10 months

  • She claps and wiggles when she hears music
  • April 6th- We took pictures in the blue bonnets!
  • April 7th- Her first step!
  • April 8th- We had Easter at the Harper’s house.
  • April 8th- First top tooth!
  • April 9th- She goes from sitting to standing without pulling up.
  • April 14th- She took 14 steps in a row! She’s walking!
  • April 26th- She is walking consistently now.
  • April 26th- She had a cracker for the first time.
  • She still wakes up once or twice at night

Saturday, March 31, 2007

8-9 months

  • March 15th- Ate her first Cheerio.
  • March 19th – She stands for 12 seconds.
  • March 25th- She walks on all fours.
  • March 31st- Sarah Epperson’s (best friend) birthday party.

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

7-8 months

  • She loves her videos!
  • Aaron puts her to sleep on his shoulder at night while he watches Star Trek.
  • February 18th- Her 2nd tooth came in (bottom)!
  • February 18th- She crawls into other rooms by herself…just exploring!
  • Gets into EVERYTHING!
  • Says “hoo hoo” and snorts when she gets excited! HA!
  • February 24th- She met Tahj for the first time!

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

6-7 months

  • These first 6 months have completely changed our lives. The whole world revolves around our little girl. If she is happy, then I am happy!
  • We are at a very good place now. I am starting to wean her from breastfeeding and start her on baby food.
  • Growth spurt…Holy Cow! Eating all the time and not sleeping through the night.
  • January 8th- eating in the high chair
  • January 8th – first crawl! …forward movement.
  • January 9th- goes from a laying position to a sitting position.
  • Starting on rice cereal…and will not eat it!
  • Smacks with her lips and tongue.
  • January 14th- crawls the length of the couch! REALLY!!!
  • Happy as a clam!
  • She can get out of the Bumbo all by herself…she is very determined!
  • January 16th- She crawls without encouragement…all by herself!
  • January 16th- Pulled up on her own in her crib (first time)!
  • January 27th- She is pulling up consistently
  • January 27th- We were trying to get Rachel to say Daddy and she started saying “da da da da” over and over again. We got it on video, and Aaron was so happy!
  • January 27th- Rachel saw her first live musical- Wizard of Oz- O’Connor HS. I brought the bumbo and some toys and she sat in the aisle and although she got a bit restless, she was good the whole time.
  • Her favorite food is Gerber squash!
  • January 28th- Her first tooth emerged (bottom)!
  • January 28th- She was dedicated in church
  • Still “bubbles” her tongue all the time
  • Rubs her eyes when she’s sleepy, but never likes to go to bed.
  • She laughs at Sebastian all the time.
  • Her favorite things are: straps, cords, Sebastian’s ball, bulb syringe, remote, baby videos, and mirrors.
  • January 30th- Sarah Epperson’s first step at our house
  • Rachel can climb out of the bouncer even when buckled in!